Sunday 13 October 2013

Who is the Nick Smith MP who Supports Blaina Fire Station?

Thank you for your support Nick Smith
Wow, this is going to be an interesting article to write and I shall have to walk a very tight wire to report the story accurately and fairly, because I really do want to stay away from politics in our fight to save Blaina Fire Station.

One of the things that has impressed me with the many town and borough Councillors I have come in contact with, is their united resolve not to let personal or political differences interfere with the fight to prevent Blaina Fire Station being closed, however there are one or two notable names in my opinion that could have done more and I really hope they up their game and I see them at tomorrows meeting in Salem Chapel.

Now for the real good news.  Nick Smith, the Labour MP for Blaenau Gwent has come onto the field in the support of Blaina Fire Station and this is to be applauded but being the cynic that I am, you would either have to be a very foolish politician or one about to retire, to do anything other than support Blaina.

Actually though, having lost faith in politicians after the expense scandals of a few years ago and probably being diametrically opposed to many of his parties policies, I do believe 100% that Nick Smith is genuine in his support for Blaina, for a number of reasons, and his outspoken support for Blaina will have many people rethinking their options, because Nick Smith really is a big hitter in this game.

Before I tell you about Nick's visit to Blaina Fire Station early yesterday morning, I think it best if I tell you a little bit about the man himself and why he is so vital to Blaina if we are to retain our Fire Station and save the jobs of our boys.

Nick comes from a family of mine and steel workers, grew up in Tredegar and now lives in Nantyglo and so lives about half a mile from the Fire Station and talking about Fire Stations, the proposal put forward by the Fire Service has some kind of impact on all five Fire Stations in Blaenau Gwent, so this must be a difficult time for Nick.

But boy it really is a small world, because I see that Nick was once a Councillor for Camden Council in London, where way back in time I designed and wrote their car parking system in about 1987/8.

Now I do not know what it was like in 98 when Nick was there but during my time, the place was like an asylum run by the inmates.  He may well agree but of course he would not be able to say so.

Reading more about Nick, I found a snippet of information about a comment he made after winning his seat to Parliament in 2010 that made me smile, when he said that he had promised Michael Foot, that he would return the seat to Labour.

Well that brought back memories of when Michael Foot was visiting the late Peter Law who asked my mother if it would be ok to fetch Michael over to meet her, as she had been a life long labour supporter and member.

I remember being told to stay away from the house until he had gone because they knew I would not be able to contain my rage over what I considered (perhaps incorrectly but I was young then) to be a lack of support from the Labour Party over the closure of Ebbw Vale steelworks.  Well the steelworks are gone and there is not much to be done about it now, so we move on.

Now here is where Nick Smith's weight will be of great benefit to us.  He has a reputation for spotting waste in government spending and perhaps saving the country millions if not billions because of his part in the really influential cross party Public Accounts Committee, who oversee government expenditure to ensure that taxpayers money is spent wisely and effectively.

So when Nick Smith MP visited Blaina Fire Station yesterday morning before going on to assist with a food banks programme he is involved with (I am beginning to like Nick more and more) and stated that he supports Blaina Fire Station and would be writing letters reflecting his views to the appropriate people, you just know that he has done his homework.

He has checked the figures, looked at the statistics and come to the conclusion that Blaina Fire Station is a valuable and reasonably cheap asset to Blaenau Gwent and provides a Fire and Rescue Service that is truly value for money.

With Nick Smith MP, Alun Davies AM, a host of quality Councillors and Matt Wrack of the FBU fighting for us, it is inconceivable that we will lose.

Know something else?  I would not mind betting that even Huw Jakeway is shouting "Go Blaina, go" inside his mind.

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