Thursday 17 October 2013

If that's your best, your best won't do

Sally and Steve - Only one of them is a real firefighter
In case you are wondering where the title for this article came from, the words are the lyrics from the song We're not gonna take it, which I put up on this site the other day.

OK, we have to move fast on this one.  When a battle is over, win or lose, move on to the next and do not give your enemy a chance to regroup, breath or respond.

I arrived at Blaina Institute and entered the Library to find what seemed to be half of South Wales Fire Service there, including many of their senior officers and I wondered how much this little day out is costing the ratepayer from a Fire Service that says it wants to make savings.  Come on lads, shape up, you're leaving your goal open.

Well before I engaged the enemy I quickly crossed swords with the head librarian who said that I could not take photos in the library, I pointed out that the library was a public place and I could if I wished (not sure about that actually) but decided to not make an issue of it because I wanted to talk to the Fire Officers who were there to sell Huw Jakeways proposal to close our fire station to the public.

Now I will speak honestly about my opinions and my perceptions of how it went.

First off, I was mildly impressed that both Sally Chapman, the Deputy Chief Officer and another high ranking officer who gave his name as Steve Ells?, whose role in the Fire Service I have not yet discovered (but will) were prepared to step outside with me - for some photographs to be taken.

We then went back in to the library, took some seats where Steve, some firefighter named Dewi and I sat down and then proceeded to discuss the Fire Chief's proposals.  Or rather Steve repeatedly tried to sell it to me and I demolished all of his arguments to my satisfaction, but of course that cut no ice with the hatchet man.

Now forget Dewi, he was the three's a crowd guy.  The main game was between Steve and myself and in all honesty he was very good. 

Pleasant to look at, he seemed to be very professional, charming, articulate, and I can see how many people would be taken in by the false statistics that he attempted to sell to me but sadly for Steve, he was dealing with me.

You see, I may appear to be a simple valley boy but I listen and do not forget.

When I pointed out to Steve that the information on their computer system was incorrect, as was pointed out by others, Steve asked what "system" did not contain "errors", which left the goal open for me to respond with "so you admit that you are supporting a proposal that you have just publicly admitted you know to contain inaccurate data to produce a report where peoples lives may be at risk".

Well that was another goal and I almost felt sorry for Steve.  Notice I said "almost", the man is as much our enemy as his master Huw Jakeway.

At that point I realised that it was best to leave, because although the talks were good natured (if loud on my part at times - why not, there was an audience), our arguments were starting to become circular and so I brought our little meeting to a close.

What really concerns me about this little get together I just left, was that the Fire Service have gagged our Fire Crew, refused to have a public debate where the questions I put to Steve in a one on one could be asked in front of a wider audience by people much more knowledgeable than myself.

Now this is just an opinion, this Steve would make a much better Chief Fire Officer because he has shown that he at least has the courage to face those he is attacking and he does it so much more professionally than the second rate Huw Jakeway.

My advice to you is this Steve.  Huw Jakeway will not keep his job if this becomes a big national issue and the Fire Service will be looking for a new leader.  I disagree with what you are selling but in all fairness you did it well, apart from your slip up over your computer system, but hey, we all have to learn.

Oh, and before I go, do not forget to pass on that message I gave you for Huw Jakeway.

I suppose I will have to let Steve have the last word - which he did.  He asked me if I could let all the people affected by the planned closure know that it's very important that they fill in the Fire Service Survey as the volume of support will be used when it comes to the Fire Authority making their decision.

Now why would he say that, because he stressed that point constantly?

Councillors Winnett and Pagett about to go take a pop at Steve
On leaving I bumped into Councillors Winnett and Pagett who were on their way in to probably beat Steve with the same statistics that I had just beaten him with.

Laugh, I grinned at the thought of that meeting all the way home, because they do not call Lisa the Rottweiler for nothing.

Next article.  The Blaenavon Incident.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Paul! This blog has done an excellent job in correlating all the evidence against Huw Jakeway and his bogus claims about closing our Fire Station.

    This site shows what can be achieved when someone steps forward to lead. Along with Councillor Winnett and others, you are spearheading the fightback and I sincerely hope your efforts pay off and Blaina gets to keep her ability to protect our people should they find themselves in trouble.

    Well done and keep up the good work.

    Blaina Resident
