Wednesday 9 October 2013

Thank you Blaina Fire Station

Narrowly missed the home of the Phillips family
I do not know what to call last nights incident, when a car being driven at high speed on the A467, left the road, crashed through a fence and flew a large distance before destroying several other vehicles and narrowly missed smashing into a Blaina home containing young children.

Accident somehow does not seem to be the right word to describe it.

One thing I do know, is that it is a miracle no person was killed and that the entire street of South Griffin Terrace did not go up in flames.

The following was posted early this morning on Facebook by Matt Phillips, which gives more information on the incident, frightening as it was, it could have been much much worse.

"thank you to everyone for their concern. yes it was our house the car crashed in front of, yes it was our car that the other landed on top of. We are all ok, Rach had just got home with charlie, i arrived seconds after it happened.

To the idiot driver, who was obviously racing up the road, how on earth you survived that is beyond me and the police. to run away though showed you are a coward. not only did you hit 7 cars, you also wrote off our laguna. it wasn't an expensive car, but it will end up meaning we are out of pocket, not only that, you destroyed two car seats, three buggy's and my sons brand new toy kitchen that was brought today for Xmas. Come forward and face your responsibility. the accident is on CCTV and YOU will be caught. you WILL be paying for this one way or another.

big thanks to everyone for stopping and making sure the whole street was ok, nice to see that Blaina has a great community spirit, and a HUGE thanks to Blaina Firestation for attending so fast, if the car had gone up, so could have our home with my boys in it

Well I am not a religious person but I will say Thank God that none of the posters family or any other persons were injured and I think it marvelous that despite the shock and the financial loss he is faced with just a few months before Christmas, Mr Phillips still found time to praise the actions of the crew of Blaina Firestation who were rapidly on the scene.

1 comment:

  1. With regards to the proposals to snub out Blaina fire station.
    It's all well and good to say the closure 'will not significantly increase the risk to the community'
    How many more lives will it take to become significant?
    is any increase acceptable?
    How many of the decision makers actually live in this community and therefore
    stand to lose an invaluable first line emergency service?

    Smacks of balancing books at the expense of the already downtrodden.
