Sunday 13 October 2013

Monday 14th of October, 7pm at Salem Chapel, Blaina

I wonder if I will get a chance to speak?
Salem's Chapel.  Salem's Chapel, Blaina.

Well before I tell you about what is happening at Salem Chapel tomorrow evening (you already know don't you, because you read the leaflet above this?), I thought I might tell you my first thoughts, when I saw where the venue for the Support Blaina Fire Station is to be held.

Well the first things to enter my mind were the Salem Witch Trials that took place between 1692 and 1693 in Salem, Massachusetts, North America, which is where the local populace decided to rid themselves of 20 women for reasons known only to their accusers by burning the unfortunate ladies alive by claiming they were witches.

Now you know the origin of the words "Witch Hunt", which are sometimes used to describe attacks against individuals or organisations in a ruthless fashion.

I suppose if I were to continue to write about the Chief Fire Officer, Huw Jakeway, you could say that I was on a "Witch Hunt" against him, but I would respond by saying "Well that's because he is a witch or rather a warlock".  Do try to have a sense of humour some of you.

The next thought concerning Salem, was the novel Salem's Lot, by American horror writer Stephen King, in which he wrote about a town that was full of vampires.  Now obviously, I do not believe in vampires but I sometimes wonder, when I see the marks on the necks of some of our young men and women on a Monday, after they have been out on the lash for the weekend.  Something has been at their throats, that's for sure.

One Chapel feeds your soul the other feeds you spirits
So seriously now, how many of us know why the chapel next to another kind of chapel in Blaina, chose the name Salem to proudly display above its entrance?

Well for the record here goes:

The word Salem is derived from "shalom", the Hebrew word for peace and is a town mentioned in the Bible, where a priest by the name of Melchizedek used to bless Abraham and is all to do with Yahweh in Israel and the politics of the day.

Now back to this meeting that has been organised by Councillor Lisa Winnett and Councillor Bob Pagett, who will be giving a presentation to the people of Blaina, who can prove they care about their community by attending on Monday evening, listening to the speakers and meeting the crew of Blaina Fire Station - perhaps for the first time.

Now we know that the Charity Car Wash was a huge success, with over 160 Surveys filled in by people who did not have access to the internet in their homes and chose to fill them in at the station.

Well done, but no time for slaps on backs, we have a station to save so we have to move on and move as fast as our firefighters on a shout.

Incidentally, I understand also that over £300 was raised for charity, so well done all concerned with the event but this public meeting tomorrow (Monday 14th October) is even more important.

There are going to be people at the public meeting who will be watching and listening to see whether Blaina has the courage and support to really fight to save not only their Fire Station but the jobs of our local boys who work there - so be there and show them we mean to fight, just as the Chartists did before us.

Now I will not lie to you, I never will lie to you.  I must confess to being a little bit disappointed that I did not see the faces of some people who told me they would be there at the car wash. Please restore my faith in you and be there for the boys tomorrow.

Morning Councillor Winnett, anything you want to talk about?
I told you I was going to tell you about a walk I had around Cwmcelyn Pond the other day, where I went to think things out, but there is simply too much to do that is of greater importance and so I will just say I bumped into Councillor Lisa Winnett who actually lives very close to the pond and we had a long chat about the situation, Cwmcelyn, Blaina and life in general.  Interesting person is our Councillor Winnett.

Well I tell you this for nothing.  Having talked a bit about her work, I would not be a Borough Councillor for all the tea in China or all the beer in Magor Brewery.

Her job as a Councillor sounds terrible - but in all honesty she did not portray her work that way and I was quite moved when she told me about being thanked by an old lady she had assisted, making it all worth while.  "You're a better man then I am, Gunga Din!".

Lisa is fighting for our part of this beautiful valley
I also tell you this for nothing.  When we stop them closing our Fire Station down, it will mainly be because of the work that Councilllor Winnett has had to do, with her hands tied behind her back because of political rules, that will have won the day for us and I salute her for her efforts.

I will try to find time to write more about all the other individuals who are helping also, but like I said, time is tight.  But I have not forgotten you and neither will the people of Blaina.

Now I want to write about Nick Smith MP next, so we must move on.

What are we not gonna do?  We're not gonna take it.  They will NOT close OUR station down.

1 comment:

  1. We will not surrender Paul!!!! Hoping for a big turnout at Salem tomorrow.
