Friday 4 October 2013

Fire Service Proposal - more inaccuracies

Supporters of Blaina Fire Station - Well done Men

Well if I would not want to be in anyone's shoes at Monday's meeting concerning the attempt to close down one of Blaenau Gwents most value for money Fire Stations, those shoes would be those of Huw Jakeway, the Chief Fire Officer for South Wales.

Over the last two days, you have seen how the proposal put forward by unknown bean counters as a justification for endangering lives and destroying a vital part of a community,  to save a few pounds, has been revealed to contain large numbers of inaccuracies.

Yesterday, Councillor Lisa Winnett was forced yet again to write to CFO Huw Jakeway concerning yet another inaccuracy that she had discovered,  that you may read about in a copy of the email that she sent to him yesterday.  Lisa Winnett seems to be a real Rottweiler when it comes to defending her area and I am glad she is not on my trail.

Hi Huw,

There is another significant error to the statement you have provided the public on your 'Have Your Say' page, which is very significant, and very miss leading.

• The Local Development Plan for Blaenau Gwent does not identify a significant number of new homes in the lower Ebbw Fach area, which means risk is unlikely to increase in the area over the immediate future.

Blaina is not part of the lower Ebbw Fach area, therefore your information that you have used to collate this information is irrelevant.

FACT :- Blaina is part of the Upper Ebbw Fach area

Can you also address this issue along with the other issue of miss information immediately, as this also links with the issues I raised via email yesterday.

SWFRS should be providing the public and compiling correct information, and as you can see, the information that you are stating is incorrect. . Please also include this as part of my objection to the closure.

Yours Sincerely

Lisa Winnett

County Borough Councillor

Well Huw, it seems to me that those bean counters have dropped you in it big time and makes me wonder if the real purpose of this attempted closure of Blaina Fire Station is to make you look foolish.  You do not have "political" enemies within the service do you Huw?

Now Huw, I will shortly be releasing more information that is not going to reflect well on the Fire Service in South Wales or rather reflect well on the bean counters who sit miles behind the heroes who man the front line fire stations and whose livelihoods you are threatening.

Although I doubt you will have any part in the information that this site will publish, you will be the one to catch it in the neck from an angry public.  Do not let them use you this way Huw - have some honour and integrity.

Now nobody wishes to make the Fire Service look stupid or to let the world know that many of their Senior Officers are incapable of producing even a simple report let alone being entrusted with a box of matches,  so I would seriously advise you not to drive a big truck into a cul-de-sac that you will be unable to reverse out of.

The information that Huw Jakeway is to put forward at the meeting with the Council on Monday is not only inaccurate but also false and I submit that the proposal to close Blaina Fire Station be thrown in the bin now, so we can all put this sorry incident behind us and move on.

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