Monday 14 October 2013

Tonight in Salem's Chapel at 7pm - Blaina Firefighters on show

Blaina Firecrew. Ready, Aye, Ready
I have been told that less than 50% of the population of Nantyglo and Blaina either do not have internet access or do not read Facebook or websites like this one, so this is where you, who are reading this article come into the equation.

You MUST let everyone you know, about just how important tonight's public meeting at the chapel is.

If they say they know, then fine but remind them to be there, because you had better believe this, the public show of support that our firefighters receive tonight will be critical towards showing those that would close our fire station, that we as a community are not going to allow them to endanger our lives and property to save the paltry 67p per week, that it costs each of us to keep our station open.

You have already been told that the event was organised by Councillors Bob Pagett and Lisa Winnett and you also know that the fire station crew will also be present and answering questions about the work they do.

I am sure you will forgive them, if they have to leave suddenly if a shout for them goes out, as it did last night when they were called to a fire in Alexandra Street.

Now take a look at the image above of some of the crew of Blaina Firestation, nice but there are some crew members not present on it and neither is their Mother Hen, Kathryn, so it would be great if perhaps we could organise another photo, not just for the campaign but for historical purposes also.

Now to be honest, I just cannot stop smiling at the faces in the image, some better known around Blaina than others.

This would be I suppose, because of either their social lifestyles, legendary singing talents, ability to consume more beer then their fire tender can carry and perhaps being a former Welsh International makes a difference as to whether your face is recognised around town.

Now I sadly do not know the names of all the crew but have spoken to many of them and the same as in all groups of people, you have your introverts, extraverts, those who say nothing but you know they are listening, over the top types, more cautions types and I was about to say, just regular guys, but they are not are they?

Because these men risk their lives for you almost every day of the week and the least you can do to show your respect for them is to be at Salem Chapel tonight at 7pm when for once they need your help and not the other way around.

Next article, time permitting will be about another Rugby Legend - Mike Ruddock.

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