Thursday 3 October 2013

Welsh Politicians Rally Round Blaina Fire Station

Two of Blaina Fire Stations Supporters
Excellent news from the Wales Online website, where the headlines shout out: Campaign to save Blaina fire station gathers support, before going on to announce that incredibily, over 1,400 people had signed the online petition, that if you have not signed, you can do so by clicking on this link now.

These figures are amazing, given that the campaign to save Blaina Fire Station was only launched just a few days ago and one can only imagine how high they will go over the coming weeks.

The article also reports on a statement given by one of the stations threatened 17 firefighters whose jobs are at risk, who told Wales Online that the information provided by the Fire Service as justification for the closure of Blaina Fire Station, is in fact incorrect and that they "have undervalued our station".

The Firefighter, who asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons then said:
“There is a massive mountain between us and the next valley and that could be very dangerous.

“If the fire engines at Abertillery and Brynmawr are out on a call, then who’s going to cover this area?

“It costs around £250,000 a year to run this station, which in the grand scheme of things isn’t a lot of money.

“We have done a lot of work in recent years to reduce fire risks in the community and help save people’s lives with prevention.

“Sadly, we are now paying for that as we don’t receive the volume of calls we would receive if this work hadn’t been done.

“I would urge people in the community to head to the meeting on Monday and make their feelings known. We need the support of the people we serve.”
Naturally and as to be expected, the FBU are supporting the Blaina Firefighters and have already provided resources to assist in the campaign to save the popular Fire Station that has become an iconic symbol to other Fire stations around Wales and the UK as a whole.

Excellent news also, is that the Leader of Blaenau Gwent Council, Hedley McCarthy is also fighting to keep the station open and it is hoped that when given the opportunity on Monday, he makes the Fire Service aware of the true growth of the population in Blaenau Gwent and recommends they invest more in the area and not close stations that are going to be badly needed.

The Council Leader then spoke about the deaths of two of Blaina's Firefighters in 1996, whom many of the current crew worked with and who were known personally to most of the population in Blaina.

I am of course talking about Stephen Griffin and Kevin Lane and I am sure that they would lend their names willingly to the campaign to keep the station they served with courage and honour open.

Also mentioned was Blaina's own Councillor, Lisa Winnett who as you know, found some major issues in the Fire Service Proposals and who will be handing in a more accurate report with a truer assessment of the situation at Monday's meeting from which the public have been excluded for some reason which I forget - sorry.

Finally, Blaenau Gwents AM, Alun Davies lent his voice to the campaign - it would be a foolish politician who did not - and told Wales Online about the numbers of concerned constituents who contacted him who were worried about the proposed closure of Blaina Fire Service.

If you wish to send Mr Davies your thoughts on the matter, his email address is on his website here.

Be polite, he is on our side but needs to know how strongly we feel over this issue and his statement “I will do all I can to ensure the safety of my constituents and ensure the memories of those lost are honoured.” could have been a bit stronger in my personal opinion, but that might just be me.

By now, you all know of the meeting scheduled to take place on Monday October 7 at 12.30 so I guess those of you who intend to be outside to show your support for those inside the meeting trying to save our station had better be there a bit earlier.

See you there

Update at 19:04

News coming in that more incorrect information in the Fire Services proposals has been discovered and yet another email has needed to be sent.  More information in the morning.

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