Saturday 12 October 2013

So what's it like up the Fire Station then?

Two of the best supporters a Fire Station could have
Ok, for those of you who are unable to get to Blaina Fire Station to have your car washed or a cup of tea and the opportunity to fill in the Fire Service Survey, that the Fire Authority will be taking into account when having to make the terrible choice to either Save Our Station or close it, then this article is for you.

The Fire Crew are already hard at work by the time I arrive
What a miserable day I thought as I jumped into my car and headed for the station and as I drove I thought about the fact that our fire crew have to get out of bed and be at that station within 3.5 minutes of getting "the shout".  Amazing.

I do not think this car had ever been cleaned before
Well I have to hand it to the crew of Blaina Fire Station, they are as efficient at cleaning a car as they are at saving lives. Did I not tell you that our crew have saved at least 4 lives in the not too distant past?

Simply the Best
A few years ago, I remember speaking to the chairman of Blaina RFC whilst watching our team win a difficult away game.  I have never forgotten what he said to me that day, "Paul, these boys are Simply the Best".

Well I think he would say the same about the crew of Blaina Fire Station.  They too, are simply the best, because on a miserable day and with the sword of unemployment hanging over them, they remained cheerful.  Get up there and see if I am wrong.

My favourite in the Fire Crew - Kathryn
OK, OK. I know I should not have favourites in the Fire Crew but who could not fail to be charmed by Kathryn, who is the Firestations Administration Clerk and keeps the station running smoothly.

Truth is, without her in the background, our equivalent of the Spitfire pilots of World War 2 would not be able to "Scramble" or to use the terminology the Fire Service uses, answer "the shout".

Now I never miss an opportunity to talk to attractive young ladies, so I took the liberty of asking Kathryn some rather serious questions and asked how she felt when the alarm went and the crew went out on the shout.

You would had to have been there and seen in her eyes something like the love a mother has for her children that she clearly has for her fire crew, when she spoke of the butterflies in her stomach when the alarm goes off.

Then she told me the fear she felt until they returned safe to the station and then waited with trepidation for the next alarm.  The poet John Milton was right when he wrote "They also serve who only stand and wait."

And I laughed when she told me about how modest the crew were and how they would get embarrassed and tell her to "shut up and not to be soft", when she would try to tell them that she thought them amazing.  That lady loves you boys, look after her.

Job almost done
Really pleased to see the banner put up by the Fire Brigade Union and I am growing more confident that if anyone can resolve this dispute in Blaina's favour, it will be the FBU General Secretary, Matt Wrack assisted by the local FBU representative, Mark Watt.

Our Engine is ready on the tarmac 
And look, there is our Fire Engine that proudly displays the name of Blaina on its side.

I am sorry Huw, I know you are a brave man, your career shows that, and I suspect you no more want to see this station close than the people of Blaina but I am sorry, we cannot let you do your duty this time and close Our Station.

For the press..

Please feel free to use any images you wish providing they are not used to undermine the support of the Blaina Peoples campaign to save their station.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic to see so many of the community coming along to the station today to support the crew. There were small children and elderly people there all with the same aim - to save the station.
