Wednesday 16 October 2013

South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority Members 2012/13

Save OUR Fire Station
Well I thought we might as well know who has the safety of our children in their hands and so I thought I would find out just who sits on the South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority of 2013.

So going to the head of the well, I went straight to this page on the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

There you can find out just what they are entitled to claim in expenses, what sort of food they can expect to be provided with and how much money they received for sitting on the Fire Authority.

If you want to find out who actually sits on the Authority, then go here but I have been given to understand it is not totally accurate but be honest, is anything really accurate that comes out of the Fire Service?

Well you know us Blaina Boys do not give up that easy and a little bit of digging with google revealed a link to this pdf file that names and gives details of the 24 members who sit on the authority, all in two pages.

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I am fairly sure these people will receive the real figures and statistics before they have to make the decision on whether to throw our heroes on the dole and endanger the lives of the people of Blaina and Nantyglo, or throw the proposal from the Fire Service in the bin where it belongs.

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