Saturday 5 October 2013

So how did Huw Jakeway spend Friday Morning?

Huw's Twitter account header - I bet the retained fire-fighters wish they had time for golf
Once I decided that it was the right thing to do by supporting the fight to save Blaina Fire Station from the bean counters who want to close down the most efficient fire station (no offence to the other stations) in Blaenau Gwent, it was fairly obvious that I would start to take an interest in the Chief Fire Officer of South Wales, Huw Jakeway, who is putting forward the bean counters flawed proposals to Blaenau Gwent council on Monday.

Because I believe that if you are going into a battle, then you really do want to know everything there is to know about your enemy and you will be surprised at just how much I have discovered about the poser Huw Jakeway.

Do not fear, you will not have to wait long to discover what that information is, but let us see what happens Monday first shall we.

But we have to cut Huw a bit of slack, because we all know that he is a very busy man and he talks to lots of important people about matters of great importance.  Check out the image below that is a screen capture of a Twitter conversation he had with Welsh Assembly Member Alun Davies yesterday:

Work work work work work

Like I said a very busy man is our Huw because prior to that conversation he was having a chat with Paul Matthews who is the Chief Executive Officer of Monmouthshire County Council, which is rather a grand title for a council worker who clearly has too much time to spare in his job.

sackable offence, sackable offence, sackable offence

Now to be honest I do not know if Huw chatting with bored CEO's from Monmouthshire at 10:54 in the morning is a sackable offence but if was he using a Fire Service Computer or Fire Service phone then he is being just a little bit naughty and so that Twitter may well come back and bite him some time down the road.

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