Tuesday 22 October 2013

A chance to learn the truth on BRFM Radio Fri 25 Oct 14:00

We do, we do

I have a new routine when starting my duties in our campaign to save Blaina Fire Station from closure.

Usually I just swill my face, make the strongest coffee imaginable, fire up an old sixties playlist of music and start to beat my laptop to death.

Well, just over a week ago, as a result of this article here, in which I wrote about Welsh Assembly Member Alun Davies's support in saving our Fire Station, I started listening to BRFM (Best Radio For Miles), which broadcasts to Blaenau Gwent from their studio in Brynmawr.

You have the option of tuning your radio to them on 97.3 FM or you can, like me, listen online via your computer, which is the way I like to tune into one of the best radio stations I have ever come across.  Their early morning music is simply excellent and conducive to writing.

Now some of you might think that I only wrote the above because of the news that I have been invited to speak on BRFM this coming Friday, 25 Oct at 14:00 but that would not be true.  I plug the station because it is good and deserves to be promoted to the community.

So what will I be speaking about on Friday?  Well I can assure you it won't be about the art of origami or how riveting watching paint dry can be.

You guessed it.  I will be talking about the proposal to close down Blaina Fire Station, and if you read this and care about your loved ones, then you are advised to tune in to BRFM on Friday and get your friends and family to listen also.

Now why will this talk on BRFM be  so important?  Well simple really.

The Fire Service proposal contains information that is the opposite of the truth, compiled from data it admits itself is inaccurate, omits vital information and insults its readers by referring to the risk of death by fire of the people of Blaenau Gwent as insignificant.

This proposal is totally unacceptable, must be rejected and an inquiry setup to see how the Fire Service could have produced such a badly flawed and insensitive document.

Huw Jakeway is a liar - Sue me - I want you to
Now regular readers will know that the Fire Service have sent out a small army of their "Top Guns" to sell their proposal to the people of Blaenau Gwent and I have told you just what good salesmen they are, in this article here.

They are that good, they could sell sand to the Arabs and I am sure their little "hand holding" exercise will have reassured some residents and should Blaina Fire Station close and a life be lost as a result of that closure, then these people should be charged with Corporate Manslaughter, along with their Chief Fire Officer, Huw Jakeway.

So on Friday, I will talk about the proposals main points, the deliberate omissions and respond to the disinformation they have been feeding to the public.  The show will of course be recorded by BRFM for their "Catch up" archives and also taped and saved for future use by the Save Blaina Fire Station Campaign.

Residents of Blaenau Gwent who will not have copies of the Fire Service proposal and the rebuttal documents submitted by people fighting to save our station like Councillors Lisa Winnett and Bob Pagett will then be able to listen to the evidence and decide for themselves as to who speaks the truth and who lies.  The people who worry about the lives of their families or the men who put money before those lives and communities.

But do not worry that the show is just going to be about facts and figures, the talk will be interspersed with musical interludes of music that BRFM have kindly allowed me to choose for the show.

So what kind of music do I like?  Well you are just going to have to listen in to find out.

Thank you BRFM - Community Radio, for giving the residents of Blaina and Nantyglo a chance to be heard.  We have added a hardlink to your station on the right of this page.

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