Saturday 26 October 2013

So how do I think the radio interview went?

God but I am hopeless at names - but a nice guy all the same

Well I guess this will be one of the last articles on this site for a while, as there is not much more I can do until after the Fire Authority have made their decision, other than to bring in the National Press, which I have no desire to do at this stage.

But before we talk about having the Daily Mail and The Sun stomping all over Blaina, let us talk about yesterday.

The place was really packed with different music media storage

First off, I arrived early at the studio's of BRFM Radio.

The sound guy really knew his stuff  and had some great stories of being a roadie

There I was made welcome by a really pleasant bunch of young men who were kind enough to show me around the studio and tell me a little bit about their work with BRFM - you can read more about what they do on their site.

The man himself - John Price

Finally, I was called into the studio where I met my interviewer, John Price who had a pleasant disposition and should I imagine, put most people who are nervous of speaking on radio at ease, and I quite took to him as he quickly run me through the show format.

Well the interview was off and running and I was away.  John had clearly done his homework and I suspect knew almost as much about just what was happening in the Fire Service in Blaenau Gwent as myself and it quickly became clear that he supports Blaina in our Campaign to save our Fire Station.

Well we spoke for about an hour and I regret to say that there were many points that I just did not have time to speak about and quite honestly the job was a little rushed and really would have needed a two hour slot to explain to the listeners everything that was wrong with the Fire Service's proposals. 

It was a relaxed interview and a few laughs were had, and John who was clearly very experienced at feeding lines to his guests always seemed to know what to ask or to step in if I appeared to stumble and I look forward to meeting him again after the Fire Authority have made their decision on the Future of Blaina Fire Station.

I tell it straight as you know.  I was disappointed that none of the listeners took advantage of John's offer to ring in and ask questions and I cursed my honesty for not getting a number of people to phone in with loaded questions, but had I done that, then I would have been no better than the Fire Service Salesmen sent out to try and sell a flawed proposal.

The studio has an enormous collection of music available, including hundreds of old LP's that must be worth a fortune to some collectors and I was asked by John to select the tunes that he played during the show.

I opted for opening with The Fire Brigade by The Move, We're not gonna take it by Twisted Sister and my last choice, You Wear it Well by Rod Steward, I dedicated to Mrs Margaret Griffin.

If you missed the interview yesterday, you can listen in again with their Catch up facility on their website.  Just search for the podcast that has yesterdays date and the name John Price with it.  You might learn something, then again I might send you to sleep.

My only criticism (and it is constructive) of BRFM is their website.  It really does need to have some work done on it as I and others have found it difficult to navigate.  I know BRFM take their music seriously but the website is their stall to the world and needs a tidy up.

The boys arrive and greet me with a thumbs up

Job done, handshakes all round and away I went to Asda's to get a shot of Blaina Fire Crew who I knew would be outside helping people fill in survey forms - my apologies to any of you who went to Tesco's after I said several times during the show that that is where the boys would be.  Good job I'm not a Fire Controller or a ships navigator.

Well guys it has been a blast doing this site, keeping you informed and watching the sites statistics soar, but that is it from me for now, until the next stage in the proposal is completed, when I will return if needed.

Blaina is just a small skirmish in a war that is going to get very nasty.  Out of respect for Blaina Fire Crew I kept politics out of it which I believe will prove to have been a mistake.

Do not make the mistake in thinking that when I use the word politics, that I am referring to the Conservative or Labour parties.

To learn what I am actually speaking about, you would have had to have had the courage to have taken the red pill and you chose not to do that.


  1. Thanks for your comments Paul, also re the website we were hacked on the day you arrived and had to put up emergency buttons so the interview could be aired to people outside of our fm frequency. However your comments will be taken on board when we get the website fully functioning again

    1. Thank you Chris, I am glad you did not take offence as I wish you and your colleagues nothing but the best.

      I was very impressed by the tour you guys gave me.

      Thank you.,
