Friday 15 November 2013

Thank you

Stephen Griffin gave his life for us - Margaret now fights for him and us

Mrs Margaret Griffin, the widow of one of our two brave firefighters who died trying to save a child in the tragedy at Zephaniah Way in 1996 has asked me if I could thank various people for the exceptional efforts they have made in the campaign to save Blaina Fire Station from closure, and I am proud that she has asked me to do this small task on her behalf.

I am sure we all understand that this must be a very difficult time for Mrs Griffin, who has had memory wounds that will never really heal, ripped open again by a seemingly insensitive Fire Service.

I am honoured to call her my friend and salute her personal courage.

Despite the memories, Margaret threw herself into working for the Campaign to save the fire station that her late husband Stephen, and Kevin Lane died serving the people of Blaina and Nantyglo from.

I guess on the behalf of the readership of this site, I would like to thank Margaret first, for her courage and efforts.   She as been an inspiration to us all.

The first people Margaret asked me to thank were the Fire Crew themselves, some of who were with Stephen and Kevin on the day they died.  How difficult must this time be for them?

Thank you Blaina Fire Station - You are  -  Simply The Best.
  • Watch Manager Glyn Griffiths.
  • Crew Manager Ryan James Smith.
  • Crew Manager Leighton Alfy Brickell.
  • Crew Manager Nigel Meek
  • Crew Manager John Legge
  • Crew manager Russell ball
  • Firefighter Mark Bond
  • Firefighter Mark Haile.
  • Firefighter Paul Williams.
  • Firefighter Gwyn Vaughan
  • Firefighter Julian Thomas.
  • Firefighter Jason Barnes.
  • Firefighter Adam Griffiths.
  • Firefighter Neil Amos
  • Firefighter Dean Price
  • Secretary Kathryn Fowler
Whilst other people are thinking about Christmas, these men are thinking about losing their jobs and like Margaret, will be thinking about their fallen comrades.

No doubt, they will be trying to make sense of their Fire Service's crazy maths in trying to save £222,000 a year, when they know for a fact that they have saved the Welsh economy millions of pounds.

Because each death lost by fire, according to the Fire Service's own website is £1.8 million and Blaina have saved at least 3 lives in the last month alone that I know of.

Margaret also made the point that I must also give a special mention to the partners of the Fire Crew, who were also out canvassing and helping people fill in the surveys that will help decide the future of our station.

Thanks also to the children who made the posters we used in our demonstrations of support for Our Station.

From the council and world of politics, Margaret told me a long list of names and if I have missed anyone it is my fault and not Margarets, as my memory is that of a goldfish.

If I have missed anyone please let me know so I can amend the article.

Here are the names of the individuals Margaret wished to thank, in no particular order (rather the order in which I remembered them).
  • Councillor Peter Baldwin
  • Councillor Bob Pagett
  • Leader of Blaenau Gwent Council, Hedley McCarthy
  • Nick Smith MP
  • Alun Davies AM
Margaret asked that I give a special thanks to Councillor Lisa Winnett for her superhuman efforts and then instructed me not to forget to thank "all those Rugby people" that had sent messages of support via former Welsh International and Fire Crew member, Nigel Meek.

If I have left anybody out, as I said that is my fault and not Margarets.

However, I know for a fact she will not mind me adding our local radio station BRFM Radio to the list of people due our thanks, for constantly keeping the campaign in the minds of their listeners. 

Finally, thank you once more Margaret for your courage.  Your late husband would be proud of you - we are.


  1. Well done to all involved. I hope the efforts of all those that helped in the campaign to save Blaina Fire Station pays off and that this proposal is now rejected.

    There is one more name to thank that is not listed above and that is you Paul. So thank you for all your hard work in keeping us all up to date via this blog.

    1. That gave me a smile - I could hardly thank myself, although Margaret did say thank you to me as did Lisa and the boys.

      Besides everything that people did to support the campaign they did for their community and not thanks.

      But hey, your message means a lot to me.

      So you get a thank you as well.

  2. The support from the community has been amazing.
