Friday 15 November 2013

Is Chief Fire Officer Huw Jakeway a liar or just stupid?

If you think this is over Huw, you are badly mistaken.  This is just the beginning.
Do not think because Huw Jakeway is the Chief Fire Officer for South Wales, that he possesses any great degree of intelligence.  In fact having been up close to him on a couple of occasions now, I noticed that his eyes seem to lack that vital "spark" that shows that there is intelligence within.

I have worked in too many companies not to have worked with men like Huw, men who have been promoted way above their ability because of croniesm or hidden agendas and I suspect that Huw is just one such man.

I believe his selection for being the Chief Fire Officer, was decided long ago, when the first plans for privatisation were being laid down and the appointment of Lee Howell from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service as the Welsh Government's Fire and Rescue Adviser confirms that both men are part of the plan for privatisation of the Fire Service in Wales.

The final rubber stamp of confirmation, is that both these Senior Fire Officers belong to an organisation that David Cameron, (who is busy destroying government records where he says there would be no cuts to the front line fire services) is a Patron of, and whose aim is the privatisation of both the NHS and the Fire Service.  Wake up people.

Neither should you imagine Huw Jakeway to be an Officer and a Gentleman (I laughed at his girly posing).  He shamed his rank and the fire service and the right to call himself a gentleman when he lied to the people of Blaina by saying that he would speak to them publicly and listen to their concerns, but once safely ensconced back in his fuhrer bunker, he reneged on his word and sent his salesmen onto the streets of Blaina instead.

Have a White Feather for that Huw Jakeway.  No matter what happens now,  you are forever branded a coward in the eyes of the rank and file of the fire service and the public, who know the truth about  you now, from your cowardly attempt to intimidate and silence a lady Councillor, because you took umbrage at the fact that she exposed your closure proposal to be riddled with inaccuracies that made you and its authors look like fools.

Now take a look at the new video above that was filmed yesterday and listen and watch as Huw Jakeway lies directly to the camera and to the people of Wales, when he says that there is "Zero increase in Risk".

He knows that he is lying, the fire and traffic incidents in Blaina over the last few weeks have shown the risk to exist all too clearly.

Let me throw down a challenge to Huw Jakeway, take a lie detector test that I will pay for or better still Huw, sue me for publicly calling you a liar.

I will call your parrot, ACFO Thomas as a defence witness, because he is already on record as saying that there is an "increased risk" to lives in Blaina, should the fire station be closed down.

I will then use your own flawed proposal to wipe the floor with you in court.

Bring it on Huw.


  1. What's up colleagues, how is the whole thing, and what
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  2. Incredible quest there. What occurred after? Good luck!
