Friday 14 March 2014

Fire Service renews attempt to close down Blaina Fire Station

Sally Chapman  and cronie who admitted their database is inaccurate
Last night, Sally Chapman, the Deputy Chief Officer of the Fire and Rescue Service in Wales, carried a message from her Common Purpose master, Chief Fire Officer Huw Jakeway to the crew of Blaina Fire Station, that he had decided (or rather been instructed) that Blaina Fire Station had to close.

Basically, what happens now is this.  Ignoring the thousands of people who filled in the Fire Service forms supporting the retention of Blaina Fire Station, the suicidal Jakeway is saying that the initial badly flawed proposal stands and that the station must close.

Now anyone who reads through the articles on this site will discover the facts about how Blaina Fire Crew have actually saved millions of pounds for British Taxpayers and ratepayers, whilst also saving many lives.  In fact it is true to say that there are people walking around today, whose families can enjoy their company only thanks to the fact that Blaina Fire Crews saved their lives.
FIREFIGHTERS have told Mayor of London Boris Johnson he has "blood on his hands", after a pensioner died in a blaze less than two months after his local fire station closed.
We have just seen in London what happens when Fire Crews from further afield have to travel to an area where their fire station as been closed. 

Lives are lost and the blood of those lives is on the hands of those who closed the stations.  Amazing isn't it, that this country can find billions of pounds to kill people in other countries but cannot find a few million to protect the lives of the people who are milked like cattle to pay for the politicians huge wages.

So here are the three choices that the Blaenau Gwent Fire Authority will have the option of making on March the 24th.
  1. Approve the proposal, close the station and throw the men who risked their lives on the unemployment scrapheap, whist disrespecting the memories of those who died attempting to save lives in the past..
  2. Reject the proposal and tell Huw Jakeway and his Common Purpose friends where to go.
  3. Pass the difficult  decision onto the the local authority scrutiny committee which in my opinion would be a cowards way out.
Now, I have already started to look into the back grounds of those Councillors who make up the Fire Authority, although the list is not fully correct as Ramesh Patel has moved on up in the world, although he did leave under a bit of a cloud in my opinion and now has to repay fire authority cash that he claimed for when not entitled.

In case you are wondering why I am investigating the backgrounds of these individuals, it is because I believe in knowing about the people who make decisions that affect my life and the lives of those I care about and have already unearthed information that you will find most interesting some time down the road.

Now we have less than 10 days to the meeting and there is a lot of work to be done that should already have been done.

Please share, Twitter and Facebook this page and support the people of Blaina and Nantyglo in their fight to protect the lives of those they love.

1 comment:

  1. What is the reference to "Common Purpose"?
