Thursday 10 April 2014

Situation Report

This will take them awhile to evaluate
Just a small article to bring you upto speed on what is happening in the campaign to stop the conservative Common Purpose (go do your own research) puppet, Chief Fire Officer Huw Jakeway and his non fire fighting Deputy, Barbie Chapman, from closing down Blaina Fire Station and putting the lives of you, and those you love at risk, in order to save a paltry £200,000 per year.

I am surprised that we have read nothing from the FBU and Welsh Assembly Member Alun Davies retracting what they said about the news that the decision to close Blaina Fire Station had been put on hold until September, by which time the Scrutiny Committee should have examined in depth the information submitted to them by the Fire Authority.

If you remember both the FBU and Alun Davies used words that seemed to imply that it was a done deal, when that is not the case.  Less defeatism and more positive action please guys.

My understanding, is that the Scrutiny Committee will be made up of 14 Councillors and a chairperson, who will review all the information available and then, if they are honest and have integrity, will recommend to the Fire Authority that they tell the Fire Service that Blaina is not for closing.

If they want to make real savings in the fire service, then get rid of the non fire fighters in the organisation, like bean counter Barbie Chapman whose salaries and pensions bleed the service dry.

Now if my information is correct, I am concerned that so far, none of the information that the Scrutiny Committee needs to do their job has been delivered.

If this is the case, then it is most unacceptable and I will be trying to establish just who is responsible for forwarding the information.  I will also be trying to find out the names and positions of those who have been appointed to the Scrutiny Committee - I think we have a right to know just who it is that decides on whether to gamble with the lives of our community or defend them.

Now before we continue, we have to have a chat about the Fire Authority.  I have seen negative comments about the individuals who make it up and to be honest some of you are being a little bit unfair towards them.

I understand your passions for defending our station and justice, but the Fire Authority are Councillors elected by us (well some of you) who have been appointed to the Fire Authority to deal with situations just like this one and I am sure that once they are aware of the facts and not the fiction provided by the Fire Service, they will make the right choice.

However should they make the wrong choice and vote to endanger the lives of the people of Abertillery, Blaina and Nantyglo then they must be voted off the council and shunned by members of their local community and treated with the contempt that all pariahs deserve.

Now, it is true that the Fire Authorities emails are in the public domain and that some of you may be tempted to contact them but I ask you to choose your words with care if you feel so tempted, in fact better to leave them be whilst they await the findings of the Scrutiny Committee.

But rest assured, well before the decision is made concerning Blaina's future, every single MP, AM and Councillor in South Wales will receive a document that totally destroys the Fire Service's pathetic and vindictive case for endangering the lives of our young.

Now if you do bump into any elected Councillors and politicians, tell them to support Blaina Fire Station and help prevent its closure.  Tell them if they are not more vocal, you intend to consider voting for UKIP in the coming euro elections.

At the end of the day, governments should be afraid of the people and not the people afraid of their government.

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