Thursday 10 April 2014

Situation Report

This will take them awhile to evaluate
Just a small article to bring you upto speed on what is happening in the campaign to stop the conservative Common Purpose (go do your own research) puppet, Chief Fire Officer Huw Jakeway and his non fire fighting Deputy, Barbie Chapman, from closing down Blaina Fire Station and putting the lives of you, and those you love at risk, in order to save a paltry £200,000 per year.

I am surprised that we have read nothing from the FBU and Welsh Assembly Member Alun Davies retracting what they said about the news that the decision to close Blaina Fire Station had been put on hold until September, by which time the Scrutiny Committee should have examined in depth the information submitted to them by the Fire Authority.

If you remember both the FBU and Alun Davies used words that seemed to imply that it was a done deal, when that is not the case.  Less defeatism and more positive action please guys.