Thursday 16 March 2017

Aftermath and is Tredegar next for closure?


The discredited and badly flawed Vision System that may be causing fatalities

I find it difficult to update this site, as the closure of Blaina Fire Station still really rankles with me, especially as I honestly believe that it could have been saved had we employed some more kind of vigorous campaigning methods, been less squeamish about offending people and not worried too much about upsetting the senior management of the Fire Service.  They were axemen destroying the men and families of a dedicated and professional firefighting team and real men, which is something those at the top of the Fire Service will never be and their feelings should never ever have been considered.

The reason I post now, is that the incompetent leadership ignored the reams of  information provided by people like Councillor Lisa Winnett showing just how effective Blaina was and how in fact they had actually over the years saved British Taxpayers a fortune - all this information can be verified with links to sources in the previous posts.    Worse though, they rode over the wishes of the people of Nantyglo and Blaina and have willfully endangered the lives of their children, and some of you may remember a fatality not long ago that may well have been prevented had Blaina Fire Station still been open.

Now it seems that the system used by the Fire Service to provide the "facts" to use as supporting evidence for the closure of Blaina Fire Station is not fit for purpose according to this report here Catastrophic dispatch system causes fire engine delays.  

Blaina Fire Station was NOT closed to save money but as a precursor to the complete sell off of the Fire Service throughout the UK, in fact the the sell off as already begun and Capita now operate the system in many parts of the Country.

Now it seems that the next target on the hit list of the graduates of the vile Common Purpose  will be Tredegar.  Do I have hard information to support this?  No but I hear whispers and whispers was the start of the end for Blaina.  If I am correct, I hope their firefighters receive more support than Blaina received and perhaps concerned and interested people might like to go through the old posts on this site to see how duplicious the donkeys who lead lions really are.

Tuesday 7 October 2014


Not gone yet
So the dirty deed is done, and again, evil has triumphed over good, lies over truth, greed over compassion and self interest over the safety and concerns of others.  Nothing really new there, a few people shout the truth but the sheep just bleat and accept their fate because that is their nature. You can no more blame a sheep for being a docile passive creature then you can stop the greed and self interest of the wolves that feed off them and their labours.

In a secret ballot held earlier this month 16 members of the South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority voted to close Blaina Fire Station despite having been presented with overwhelming evidence that Blaina Fire Station actually saved money by preserving lives, that if lost would have cost South Wales millions of pounds.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Of Men and Memorials

Fight for your children - these men did

First of all, the apologies.

Sorry there has been nothing on this site for some time now, but Ken and Barbie should take no comfort from that.

I am merely biding my time until nearer to the date that the Blaenau Gwent Scrutiny Committee present their findings to the Fire Authority.  When that date approaches, then this site will again shoot up the international rankings and reveal to the world just what a spiteful, vindictive and dangerous man Chief Fire Officer Huw Jakeway really is and just how he is endangering the lives of our community.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Since when does the tail wag the dog?

Huw Jakeway - His second lie.  His first lie was when he said publicly that he would meet with the people of Blaina and then ran away.
Before I rip into the Chief Fire Officer and asset stripper of the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, the Twittering, McDonald eating, golf playing Huw Jakeway, I would like to answer a few of my critics both within and outside of the Fire Service.

Some of you seem to think that I am too outspoken and others among you, that I am being a tad unfair towards the Chief Fire Officer, who you say is only doing his job and that he is really a nice guy.

Now let us address these three points.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Situation Report

This will take them awhile to evaluate
Just a small article to bring you upto speed on what is happening in the campaign to stop the conservative Common Purpose (go do your own research) puppet, Chief Fire Officer Huw Jakeway and his non fire fighting Deputy, Barbie Chapman, from closing down Blaina Fire Station and putting the lives of you, and those you love at risk, in order to save a paltry £200,000 per year.

I am surprised that we have read nothing from the FBU and Welsh Assembly Member Alun Davies retracting what they said about the news that the decision to close Blaina Fire Station had been put on hold until September, by which time the Scrutiny Committee should have examined in depth the information submitted to them by the Fire Authority.

If you remember both the FBU and Alun Davies used words that seemed to imply that it was a done deal, when that is not the case.  Less defeatism and more positive action please guys.

Thursday 27 March 2014

The FBU - Save Your Fire Service Petiton

Please go sign the petition once you have read the article
I will always be honest with you.  I am not totally in agreement with many issues or some of the politics that the Fire Brigade Union support or sponsor.

However, that does not mean I cannot support them on those issues where I believe their cause is just and good for the people, such as their battles for pensions and keeping fire stations open.  Both just causes that deserve all of our support and for them, both personal differences and party politics should be set aside.

Given that across the disUnited Kingdom, Fire and Rescue Services are all under attack from within, with their own Senior Officers working to a common purpose using exactly the same script as the one Huw Jakeway and Barbie Chapman are reading from in Wales, I would have liked to have seen more coordinated action from the FBU in Blaenau Gwent.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Llantrisant Meeting - Who do you trust with your lives?

Now pay attention Huw and listen to Blaina
Right, now where were we.  Oh yes, that's right. 

Yesterday, I told you about the Blaina delegation who attended the meeting of the South Wales Fire Authority, where the Fire Authority voted to send the proposal to endanger the lives of the people of the valley by closing down Blaina Fire Station to a scrutiny committee.

Now the reactions of many people to this news, was disappointment that the Fire Authority had not rejected the proposal outright, but given the size of the the rebuttal submitted to them by the Fire Service just days before the Llantrisant meeting, I think the decision was a wise one for several different reasons.